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Does THIS sound like your business???
Take a look at this list. Do you find yourself agreeing with any of the statements regarding your current advertising/marketing? If...

Who do YOU watch TV with??
Streaming TV… Traditional Linear TV, when we watch, do we watch alone? Read this. So if you are trying to market to a certain...

18 - 34 Year Olds... what do you know about them?
Much of the buzz about Millennials being of vital concern to marketers, as well as their supposed embrace of digital media, is fostered...

Is your advertising hitting home???
People Say Humorous, Informative Ads Hold the Most Appeal Ads that are humorous and from trustworthy brands are most likely to be...

Traditional Advertising Isn't Dead ... Yet
Or IS IT? This is an interesting article, with an even better follow up from Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc. Ed has been in this...

WHO Spends the most MONEY?
Honestly this is almost a Duh Moment. However, may I point out who has the money? If you’ve read my past posts, you understand those...

Pay Per Click - VS - Radio!
Fake News? If you are under the age of 35, then you will undoubtably consider this a type of Fake News. After All, Radio is not...

Big Advertisers Media Plans.. What can you learn?
It’s a huge stretch to say these big advertisers are not using digital at all, but every medium has a life cycle.. Digital has crawled...

Are THESE your Biggest Concerns?
Marketing Charts did a survey this spring. The results are based on a survey of 300 marketers and agency professionals (50/50 split)...

You Watch More Ads Than You Think
So you found our page... why don't you look for us on facebook too? Reading this morning when I came upon this article. So answer me...

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